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Types and brands of ball mill equipment

Date:2019-07-16 14:46:42 Author:admin Views: 144
Ball mill equipment made of with new technology, new process and new ideas, contemporary ball mill equipment has more advantages and features, such as large production capacity, high efficiency, environmental pollution, easier operation, etc., and with the increasing demand, its types and brands have also become diversified. Then how we do the selection of ball mill equipment? 1. Ceramic ball mill The ceramic ball mill is made of high-quality metal, so its configuration is very high, the work process is not prone to failure, and have longer service life, it is used in the process should be strictly in accordance with operating standards for production and processing, so that the material is more qualified grinding. Ceramic ball mill is one of the high demand ball mill equipment at present. 2. Cone ball mill The production capacity of cone ball mill is about 600 tons per hour, the discharge size is between (0.074-0.89) mm, the ball limit is 338 tons, can make production and processing for copper, iron ore, siderite, chrome ore, molybdenum ore, etc., its outstanding advantage is the capacity is very high, such equipment for users can create higher benefit. 3. Ultra-fine ball mill The outstanding feature of ultra-fine ball mill is the fine material, and it have very high degree of professionalism, the main reason is that its filtering device is well developed, it can effectively filter out substandard materials, so it have more pure. Usually the user use the ultra-fine ball mill for processing strict standards size material. In the process of buying a ball mill, the brand of factary is very important, a good brand has better performance, excellent quality, and now we recommend the well-known brand: Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co.,Ltd. 1. Comprehensive service is perfect, our service department is very professional, excellent service for your future escort, to ensure that equipment have a life longer. 2. Equipment prices are quite reasonable, if the equipment price is affordable, then for user, will have a cost-effective equipment, and can reduce user input costs to a certain extent. 3. Attaches great importance to quality, especially in the details of the processing more accurate, so our company's equipment more secure quality, service life of the equipment is 23 times of other manufacturers.

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